Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Zits are SUUUUUPER fun!

BIG. FAT. NOT. So...here's the dealio. I have a fun little tip when you're feeling a little zit-faced. Ya know how you get little scabs etc after you have an enjoyable night of getting up close and personal in the mirror with your bumpy little red friends? And you know how the next morning when you go to put cover up on them it just doesn't cover nicely because things are...ahem...shall we say crusty? Well all you have to do is buff them off! Take one of your nail files (the cube ones work the best for me) and buff away! (dab with a wet washcloth after) You'll find that soon your forehead is smoother than a babies bottom your cover up will go on A LOT nicer.

PS. I THOUGHT I was done with the puberty thing? parently not. *sigh*

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