Tuesday, June 7, 2011

N is for ''NASTY'' (oh. and Nashville)

Some friends (from work) and I did something absolutely crazy and nasty over the weekend. We participated in Salt Lake City's 'DIRTY DASH'. If you don't have a clue what a dirty dash is, rest assured. Untill a few months ago I didn't either. It's a 5K race through mud obstacles. I don't know if my word vomit would do it justice, so I will post pictures for you to enjoy it's atrocious-ness. I WILL be doing this again next year, so for those of you that think this looks fun...hop on the bandwagon.

Yes. I'm tough. And yes, I may have peed my pants a couple times in the mud. No, that isn't gross. If you laughed as hard as I did while doing this, you would have too. Just sayin! 

ps. Nashville bit to come...stay posted.

Friday, June 3, 2011

M is for "Many a Pet Peeves"

Is that even english? We don't even know. I DO know that I have way wayyyy too many pet peeves. That probably says something quite negative about my so called personality traits (go ahead and analyze it...I dare you) But who doesn't right? Actually that is a lie. There are plenty of positive-glass-half-full-ALL THE TIME-type of people out there. I'm just not one of them. Even though I have great intentions to be. In fact, I could post a saga on ''great intentions''...maybe i'll work that into the letter N somehow...But while you're waiting, here's a peeve to naw on:

Walking into any sort of building just behind or just in front of someone. I have doubed this the DOOR FIASCO. If you're behind them you're wondering "are they gonna hold it for me? How awkward is this gonna be? Am I gonna have to do my half run/half walk jig to get there fast so they aren't awkwardly holding the door for 20 min? Did they seriously just shut the door in my face?????" 

Or if you're in front of them, the dilema is "Should I hold the door? Should I hurry things up and just pretend like I don't see them 20 feet behind me? Is that rude? Will they think I shut the door in their face????" 

UGH. I HATE THIS SENARIO! (it happens to me every morning on my walk in to work.)

While talking to a coworker about this he replied: "Sometimes I actually sit in my car and wait for the coast to be clear when I walk in just so I don't have to deal with this" YES! He's a genius. I may have to try this. 

If you ever see me sitting in my car staring at the door of the building closest to me, please, hurry your bum along and get inside so I can get out. Ha!