Why are cops such jerks? Sorry if any of you out there are in fact one of these horrible specimens or know a friend of a friend who's husband is one. Cops are JERKS, period. Take last night for example. While coming home from the gym (I know this blog is making me sound like I work out a ton. I promise I'm not OCD about it. Oh. wait. ok maybe just a little. Listen, there is a Zumba class on tuesday nights I take to dance away my frustrations of life. Oh, and it's kinda fun to shake my butt like a latina. Yeah, I just said latina. I could have said Mexican, but that would have been racist.) Annnyway while driving home two cop canine units go whizzing past us. (by us I mean John and I. He swims, I dance. We're just trying to re-live high school. That's the thing.) When we get close to home we realize that in fact, those canine units were cruising to OUR neighborhood and there weren't only two. There were about 15 cop cars and cops with dogs walking ALL OVER the place. What in the? Of course they are parked like in the middle of the effing road so you as a passer by has no idea whether they meant to do that and block of the road or whether they are just being power hungry. Orrr maybe they were in such a hurry to save a life they just stopped and didn't realize where they had parked. yeah right.
So we edge up all close trying to squeeze by and get to our apartment. Some cop is standing by his car acting busy so I roll down my window and kindly say "excuse me sir?" about four times. He doesn't even respond. I'M LIKE TWO FEET AWAY FROM YOU! Get off your high horse of "I'm a Bad A$$ because I'm a cop and I have a gun and a big stick thing. Oh and a taser" and talk to me! I live in this neighborhood and it looks as if there is a murderer on the loose! So please, kindly explain to me whats going on so I don't sit out here and snoop. Well he didn't. The cop ACROSS the street did and this was his response "Go on home. We're looking for someone" Oh. thanks. now I feel so much better. He could have even patted me on the head with that response. Go on home? What are we five? Oh and just looking for someone. don't worry about it. We only have about 6 canine units on the loose sniffing around. But just go on home. awesome. So we did. we went on home. Only to find out on the news that three guys had kidnapped a woman and high-jacked a car and blah blah blah doing bad guys stuff but they had only caught 2. One of them was in my neighborhood last night. creepy!! oh and just a side note cops? If I were on the run, i wouldn't be close to the roads. I be hiding and hopping back yards. so next time try going a little deeper. Just saying.
maybe the cop was deaf. you never know - judger! at least he doesn't spend every waking minute trying to re-live highschool. HA HA HA i love how brutally honest you are with yourself.
o.k and by the way, butt sniffer...you diss my blog - you've got another thing coming to you!
even though i must say, touche. touche.
my last 5 posts may have incorporated a leaf or a tree. (which made me laugh WAY hard) but what? i don't have savvy sayings like you do to have people take an interest, think i'm funny, witty, or just down right awesome.
it's all i got ting.
Douche Bags...I am happy you didn't die or get kidnapped. I would cry.
Holy crap! I would be too scared to go home!!!
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