Tuesday, April 26, 2011

G is for "GIDDY"

Giddy is a strong word. It's not something I throw around lightly. Being giddy usually goes beyond happiness and involves a little adrenaline rush. In fact, the best giddy moments of my life have been back in high school/college and were usually linked to attractive males. This is a level of giddiness that is hard to achieve. To be honest, I don't think I've reached this level in the last few years. (John, I LOVE you but you've lost your mystery. I'm sorry. Marriage just DOOES that. But for the record, I WAS disgustingly giddy about you. Just go read my 17-year-old journal and then vomit. Oh and those of you that are all "Sarah, I totally disagree! Me and my hubby are so totally in love and giddy all the tiiiimmmee stiiiilllll!" Then I know you are one of the couples who dated for 2 months and then got married and are still EXPERIENCING getting to know each other. John and I, however, dated for 5 years and therefore had FEW surprises and less things to be giddy about when we got hitched.) (that was a long parentheses. You're fine.) Annnyywayyy.... although It's been awhile since i've been uber-giddy, I did reach a level of giddiness last night and it felt so good! 

I'll admit straight up that I am a Literature Snob. I absolutely love to read and if I had it my way I'd be in bed with a book from sun up to sun down. But here's how you reach ''snob-status'': I like to read GOOD WRITING. Sorry folks but that means no Twilight for me. I enjoyed book 1 and 2 and a little bit of 3 but COME ON. The story had GREAT potential but was slaughtered miserably and painfully. If you want my full discourse on the subject just let me know. But before you go judging me, watch out, because I have read my fair share of excellent novels and have quite a lot to back myself up. Plus I'm bull headed and stubborn and love to be right.

.... back to giddy... recently I have been reading a really good series. Last night I got all my wifely duties done and was curled up in bed rewarding myself when John walked in. Now, when I read, I like to completely immerse myself in the story and don't appreciate when people (cough cough *john* cough cough) tease me about how intense I seem. I happened to be at a particularly exciting part and couldn't help smiling up at John when he walked in. The first thing that came out of his mouth was "What is going on in here? Why are you so GIDDY?" Ha! And I realized I WAS GIDDY. Great books make me giddy. There really are few things in life better than a good thick book. 

And now, because I am on the subject, here are a few more things that make me slightly giddy:

- Driving in my car on a sunny warm day when my current favorite pop song just happens to come on the radio. (Particularly Lady GaGa or Katy Perry.) Yes, although I'm not 19 anymore trashy pop music might just be one of my guilty pleasures. 

- John walking around in JUST his pajama bottoms. What is so sexy about this? I can't figure it out...

- Glassy water at Lake Powell when I'm the one up to ski. Or just sights at Lake Powell in general. 

- Movie Theatre popcorn

- Comments on my blog (wink wink)


There are many more I'm sure but my tummy is growling and I'm ready for round two of dinner. (munch munch munch) Once again, no judging—so peace out!


lolabarri said...

At first I got kinda uncomfortable when you mentioned finishing your wifely duties because in my household that means sex but then I realized that's probably not what you meant lol :)

Sarah Hanks said...

AH! hahahah yeah...I meant more on the chores side of things but...actually....you're right....that IS a wifely duty. :) (maybe not a ''duty'' though..hahaha)