Monday, September 22, 2008

#4 - The Great Divorce

The book I chose is not a bibliography.  "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis was published by HarperCollins Publishers in 2001; originally published in Great Britain in 1946.  This particular collection was published/designed as a series with his other works. ISBN - 0-06-065295-0 (paperback)

The typeface is Times New Roman and it is 11pt font.  I think it was completely appropriate because serif fonts tend to signify a classic feel and that is exactly what his books portray. Times is a very readable typeface.  It's clean and organized.  

There are no indents for the beginning of chapters, similar to the way I've chosen to lay my books out.  However, there are 1/4 inch indents to signify a new paragraph.  One thing I really like about this book is the leading between the lines.  It helps your eye easily jump to the next line and continue.  It is more than most novels which is refreshing.  I think if there were to be a little bit more it would be difficult to create a continuous flow of reading.  There are about 9.5 words to a line on average.  Again, this book is shorter so the designer was able to set keep the typesize larger and the lines farther apart.  It is set in manuscript block, again like how I have chosen to set mine.  I like the centered feel. That is another reason this book appealed to me.  Here are some samples of the inside pages:

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